Category in github. The semi-automatic way

Plugin free, with only a little work to do.

As we know, github doesn’t allow us to use plugin in jekyll for security reason. So, here comes the problem. How can we use category?

After some test, I finally find a semi-automatic way to do that. Here’s how.

1. Add categories in the post

Add keyword categories in the post, like the fellowing:

layout: post
title: Category in github. The semi-automatic way
categories: jekyll
Content of the post.

2. Add link of categories in index.html

Create a category.html in the _include directory

<div class="box fn-clear">
    {% for category in site.categories %}
    <li><a href="/categories/{{ category | first }}/" title="view all posts">{{ category | first }} {{ category | last | size }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}

After that, include category.html in index.html

{% include category.html %}

3. Create layout file for category index page

Create file category_index.html in _layout directory.

layout: default
<section class="content">
	<div class="content-cnt fn-clear">
		<div class="main fn-clear">
            <p><center><h3 class="main-excerpt-title">Category: {{ page.category }} </h3></center></p>
			{% for post in site.categories.[page.category] %}
            <article class="main-excerpt fn-clear">
                <h3 class="main-excerpt-title"><a href="{{ post.url }}" title="{{ post.title }}" rel="bookmark">{{ post.title }}</a></h3>
                <p class="date"><time pubdate="{{ }}">{{ | date_to_string }}</time></p>
                <p>{{ post.description }}</p>
                <p class="more"><a href="{{ post.url }}" title="Read More" rel="nofollow"><span>&#10149;</span>Read More</a></p>
            {% endfor %}

4. Create index page for each category

For every category, create a sub directory the same name of category in directory ‘categories’, add create a index page with name index.html in that sub-directory.

For example, we have a category with name ‘jekyll’, what we should do is:

mkdir -p categories/jekyll  # directory for category 'jekyll'
touch categories/jekyll/index.html

The content of categories/jekyll/index.html is:

layout: category_index
category: jekyll

For short, we can execute the fellowing bash,, to create sub-directory & index file.

for var in "$@"
    mkdir -p $dir

    cat > $file <<EOL
layout: category_index
category: $var

For example:

./  jekyll

Still don’t know how to do? Just clone my blog from github.


This article is released under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.