

2003年,Chris Mallett 提议在 AutoIt v2 中集成热键支持,未得到预期响应,于是开发了 AutoHotkey 。因为后期 AutoHotkey 更新速度较慢,其他程序员也发布了一些改进分支。其中,Lexikos 维护的 AutoHotkey_L 分支影响最大。Chris Mallett 于 2010年10月认可了 AutoHotkey_L 的继承地位,并改称原版本为 AutoHotkey Basic。

因为使用过程中会涉及中文,所以建议下载 AutoHotkey_L 版本,软件安装包约2.5M。可以通过GitHub下载L版本源码

1. Default Script

When run AutoHotKey for the first time, AHK will ask you to write a default script into ‘My Document’ (%userprofile%/My Documents).

Since AHK can run without install, so I prefer to move the default srcipt ‘AutoHotkey.ahk’ to where AHK is. ( ‘C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey', for example). After that, we can zip the AHK folder, and copy it to another computer. Then, the two computers have the same configurations.

2. AHK Group

If we want to add a shutcut to IE, we can use the fellowing script.

#IfWinActive ahk_class IEFrame
    ; Ctrl-F1 to input URL of Google

But if we switch from IE to FireFox or Chrome, we can use Group to make the code simpler.

; Define commonly used browseres
GroupAdd, Browser, ahk_class IEFrame                ; IE & Mathon
GroupAdd, Browser, ahk_class MozillaWindowClass     ; FireFox
GroupAdd, Browser, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_0     ; Chrome

#IfWinActive ahk_group Browser
    ; Ctrl-F1 to input URL of Google

The definition of group MUST be at the top of AHK script.

If not, the group will no work. It cost me about 4 hours to find out why my group did’t work.

You don’t want do it again, aren’t you?

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